
Typical Parts Price Comparison of Variations in Materials and Design/CAD

Posted: Nov 8, 2018

Comparing cost impact of the several variables is difficult. To help explain the impact, we have selected a sample part and shown the price range that you could reach depending on how you control your design.

Low Cost Design

Tolerance: + .010 on centers — + .005 on hole diameters
Material: 16. ga. 1010 sheet — standard tolerance .059 + .004
Bends: Radius inside = to material thickness
Hole distortion: Print should note “distortion permissible” if hole is too close to a form
Outside corners: 1/16” radius allowed
Debur: Break sharp edges

High Cost Design

Tolerance: + .002 on centers — + .001 on hole diameters
Material: 1010 strip steel — .059 + .003 thickness
Bends: Inside .000 to .015 radius
Hole distortion: Not allowed
Outside corners: 0 -.015 radius allowed
Debur: .010 Max/Min

Choosing your design for any part requires several considerations. Request a quote today to get started.

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