How to Save Money with Short Run Stampings

Posted: Mar 8, 2018

Short run stampings are a cost-effective way of keeping costs low while still delivering excellent results. Short run stampings can save, because…

Tooling Costs

Tooling costs are kept to a minimum. Our standard shape punches meet many demands. Standard forming tools make a wide variety of shapes. Other standards allow us to build your parts quickly at a minimum cost.

Design Changes

Design changes are most easily incorporated with short run tooling. This minimizes costly scrap and re-tooling.

Tooling Techniques

Tooling Techniques for the short run process at Dayton Rogers are unique. Our large tool rooms use design software, CNC Milling and Wire E.D.M. machines and other special tools to speed the production of our dies.


Short runs do not cause you an unnecessary penalty.


Quality of stamped parts are more reliable than most other methods. Our Quality Assurance Departments are well equipped to assure your parts meet print specifications.


Only a comparison of quotes will prove our point. Let us quote your projects.


Delivery is assured. We have presses up to 300 tons, 4000 watt laser equipment, turret presses to 30 tons and press brakes to 10 ́. Our large metal inventory makes two million pounds of stock immediately available. A great way to get both delivery and price. Production control methods include a daily check of job status to ensure that orders are shipped “on time” or ahead of schedule.

Want more information on Short Run Stampings? Get your FREE copy of the signature Dayton Rogers Red Book (2018 Metalforming Design Handbook: Cost Effective Design Principles). This powerful book is your resource for all things metalforming and stamping.

Dayton Rogers is your trusted resource for sheet metal fabrication, metal stamps, metalforming and all your manufacturing company needs. Get a free quote today on your custom metal fabrication project.