Dayton Rogers Turns 90!

Posted: Jan 1, 2019

This year, Dayton Rogers turns 90! In 1929, Dayton A. Rogers founded a new manufacturing company and altered the business of metal manufacturing forever. 90 years later, his legacy continues as Dayton Rogers impacts the world of manufacturing with its innovations now and into the future. 

Our Timeline

1923: Dayton A. Rogers sets out to create an automatic toaster with a dial for home use. That same year, he devises a method for using temporary dies while an instructor at the University of Minnesota.

1920s: Dayton Rogers has a vision for shortening the manufacturing process on conventional tool and die methods.

1929: Dayton Rogers Manufacturing is formed. “Short run metal stamping” is off and running.

1930s: Design and construction of temporary dies continues.

1940s: During WWII, Dayton Rogers manufactures integral parts for the air and ground efforts, contributing to the war effort.

1960s & 1970s: Methods and equipment continue to improve. Dayton Rogers moves forward.

1985: Dayton Rogers acquires Federal Stampings.

1990s: Dayton Rogers originates the book on metalformng: “The Red Book.”

2009: Ron Lowry becomes the new owner of Dayton Rogers.

2019+: Let’s partner together to see what the future will bring!

90 Years of Changing Metalforming

Our story begins in the 1920s, when Dayton A. Rogers first conceived his vision of shortening manufacturing processes on conventional tool and die methods. As a University of Minnesota Engineering Instructor, Dayton tasked his students with building an outboard motor – and put the wheels in motion for pioneering an industry, and growing it through unrivaled standards of quality and service. In 1929, Dayton Rogers Manufacturing Company was formed. “Short Run Metal Stamping” was off and running, and the business of metal manufacturing was altered forever. By producing small quantities of stamped or pressed metal forms  – at a fraction of standard costs – Dayton Rogers made improvements, inventions and production efficiencies accessible and affordable to engineers, innovators and artisans alike.

From humble beginnings came early success – including the dial up toaster, the dry mounting press, and intricate Kodak typewriter tooling. Dayton Rogers began to grow. A WWI veteran, Dayton contributed to the WWII victory by manufacturing integral parts for both air and ground efforts. To this day, Dayton Rogers Manufacturing proudly provides superior components to our military and aerospace industries – as well as medical, industrial, energy and everything in between. Our philosophy is, and always will be – your ideas and our capabilities know no boundaries. From toasters to satellites. 

As an educator, Rogers never lost sight of his basic tenets of continuous advancements and sharing that knowledge with his peers in engineering and industry. Rogers’ core convictions and pioneering spirit continued throughout his career, and are still reflected in the company today.

For 90 years, we have partnered to make your metalforming project a reality. Innovation, quality and service are our three core tenants. Let us be on your team to better community, industry and lifestyle from now and into the future.

Dayton Rogers is your trusted resource for sheet metal fabrication, metal stamps, metalforming and all your manufacturing company needs. Get a free quote today on your custom metal fabrication project.