Celebrating Manufacturing Month the Dayton Rogers Way

Posted: Oct 28, 2020

As we near the end of October and Manufacturing Month comes to a close, our team at Dayton Rogers would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our faithful customers. Our mission has and always will be to provide you with quality products, service, and support. 

At Dayton Rogers, we are passionate about the manufacturing industry and although it is Manufacturing Month, we are proud to celebrate it year-round. Our goal is to promote modern manufacturing practices and find innovative approaches to take the industry to the next level, as well as inspire the next generation of manufacturers and educate the public on the importance they play in our day-to-day lives.

Our History

Our passion for manufacturing began in the early 1920s when Dayton A. Rogers had the vision of shortening manufacturing processes. In 1929, Dayton Rogers Manufacturing Company was officially formed and to this day, we set the standard for quality manufacturing practices. We not only raised the bar, we created it. 

As pioneers in the industry, Dayton Rogers introduced its vision of excellence with a simple commitment – to create solutions that are integral to your success. From metal stamping to welding and sheet metal fabrication, our brilliantly engineered solutions are innovative, affordable, and reliable. 

We strive to be a resource for others in the manufacturing space, providing our technical knowledge and experience as support. As such, we wrote the Red Book which was created to outline design guidelines and formulas. At Dayton Rogers, the Red Book is one of our most prized possessions and for good reason, as it is recognized by industry leaders as the go-to manual for precision metal forming practices. You can download our Red Book, the ultimate engineering resource here.

The Dayton Rogers Promise

At Dayton Rogers, we believe it doesn’t necessarily take an army to get the job done – just a dedicated team of engineers, production professionals and customer service experts with a passion for manufacturing and whose values align with our own.


Know, understand and partner with customers.


Commit to honest relationships.


Provide industry leadership and encourage continuous improvement and training.


Promote a safe work environment and team participation.


Promote members’ success through respect, mentoring and trust.


Maintain a growing enterprise while promoting opportunities that involve continuous improvement and cost effectiveness.

We Value People

At Dayton Rogers, our team is made up of good people. Not only are they masters of their craft, they also work with diligence and dedication to deliver outstanding results to our customers time and time again. We are strategic in our recruiting efforts and only bring the very best onto our team. In order to maintain the high level of service and pride in our work, Dayton Rogers keeps the following People Values front of mind:

Treat others with uncompromising truth

Lavish trust on your associates

Mentor unselfishly

Be receptive to new ideas, regardless of their origin

Take personal risks for the organization’s sake

Give credit where it’s due

Do not touch dishonest dollars

Put the interest of others before your own

Interested in joining the Dayton Rogers team? We’re looking for people who value hard work, innovative thinking and our own brand of “the customer always comes first.” Click here to apply.